Psalm 11:3

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Is the Nazarene Denomination on the Road to Rome?

Posted by nazarenepsalm113 on March 3, 2009

First of all to set this up we need to compare what the Roman Catholic Church teaches in comparison to what Gods Word teaches.
Scripture Versus Tradition
The Roman Catholic Church has always been identified with Christianity because it upholds four
fundamentals of the Christian faith:
• The deity of Christ
• The Triune God
• The virgin birth, and
• The bodily resurrection and return of Christ to the earth.
However, Catholic teaching opposes the doctrine that is most essential to the Christian faith – the doctrine
of justification by faith alone.
The Vatican not only denies this doctrine, but also condemns anyone who believes it. Other
Catholic doctrines deny that Christ’s work of redemption is finished and that His atonement is sufficient.
What we base who Jesus is needs to be based on what scripture teaches.
Nothing added to or taken away.
The Catholic plan of salvation is different than what the Bible teaches and it will not save anyone.

The Gospel of Grace Reveals:
Jesus Christ, His life, death and resurrection
(1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

The Gospel of Roman Catholicism Reveals:
A religious system of sacraments,
indulgences, purgatory, and prayers for the
dead (1032;1471-79, 1498)*

The Gospel of Grace Reveals:
Salvation is….
Only through Christ (Acts 4:12)
A gift of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8,9)
Attained by Christ (Romans 5:9)
At the moment a sinner believes the gospel
(Ephesians 1:13,14)
Secured by God (John 10:27)

The Gospel of Roman Catholicism Reveals:
Salvation is…
Through the Roman Catholic Church (846)*
Merited by doing good works
By faith plus the law, sacraments, and good
works (1129,1131)*
Attained by man (2010,2027)*
A process from baptism through purgatory
Never assured in this life (1036,2005)*

The Gospel of Grace Reveals:
Sins are expiated by Christ’s blood (Romans

The Gospel of Roman Catholicism Reveals:
Sins are expiated by suffering in purgatory

The Gospel of Grace Reveals:
Salvation glorifies God alone (Ephesians 1)

The Gospel of Roman Catholicism Reveals:
Mary and all the saints are also glorified

The Gospel of Grace Reveals:
The work of salvation is finished (John

The Gospel of Roman Catholicism Reveals:
This work continues with daily sacrifices

The Holy Bible scriptures

* Catechism of the Catholic Church, San
Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 1994.

So at first we need to establish who’s word we believe.
Gods Word.
Or the word of man.

With a huge ecumenical movement in place I think its important to check what Catholics believe the intent of this is.
I found this link to be very revealing.

As a former Roman Catholic I can tell you with authority that Catholics must believe all dogmas of their church or be anathema (eternally cursed).
For more information check this link out as well

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